Have you got a training plan? Who does it benefit? Is it a complicated process?
Common questions which are all answered in the short article below! 🙂
Why now?
It is that time of year when I often help clients with their annual training planning process as budgets are set and pro-active organisations know preparation and planning is key to cost effective provision. That said, whilst the new financial year is a good time to think about this, there's no bad time to start planning!
I worry sometimes that this looks like a self-benefitting service but I am not even a big part of these plans in many organisations as they also focus on operational requirement and functional skills!
If however you also want to provide developmental, growth-based training services for your staff, now is the time to schedule them in. Why? Because if you don't you'll wish you had a Tardis so you could come back in time to this point and do it!
Why bother?
Not only is development a massive part of the motivational factors which affect engagement and retention of staff, it is also key for successful growth of your business and the increase of service standards and productivity.
Showing your commitment to this by publishing an annual programme of events is something to shout about and may also be helpful in your recruitment process.
In addition, forward planning will improve attendance on your events and enable a more cost-effective use of the internal or external resource thus reducing the number of events you need to arrange.
So how do you do it?
If you know approximately what your organisational needs each year (I can help you with that if not) then simply, scatter your developmental inputs evenly across your calendar throughout the year, avoiding any hotspots like Christmas, school holidays or industry specific pain-points.
Then set a spreadsheet up with maximum numbers for each event and advertise these out to your management teams.
If you time this correctly, they can then use the schedule of events to form part of the personal development planning with staff during their annual appraisals or review process.
What kind of things to include?
Well that depends on the needs of your company which you will know better than anyone else, but common topics of interest and need from my experience include the following:
Customer Service and Effective Relationships
Communication Skills and Difficult Conversations
Management and Leadership skills
Personal Resilience, Stress Management and Wellbeing
Performance Management
Attraction, Retention and Development of Talent
Hopefully there is something there of use to you or at least some food for thought but as ever, just shout if you need any help and I’ll see what I can do!
All the best
